6 Questions for...Henk Wenner, Energy Consultant at Enwendo
How can we save energy? The current energy crisis makes this question more topical than ever.
Especially when it comes to housing, there is endless need for improvement. According to Enwendo, "over 10 million houses in Germany are not sufficiently modernised. Modernisation can save significant energy costs, and some energy retrofitting measures are eligible for generous government subsidies. Henk is an energy consultant and knows the subject inside out. We asked him 6 short questions...
1. What does an energy consultant actually do?
Helping people with real estate make their property more energy efficient.
2. What do you love about your job?
Actively helping to make the building stock more energy efficient.
3. What do you think the future of construction will look like?
We will use more machine-built prefabrications than we can even imagine today. 90% of the construction will be done with wood.
4. Why is wood such a great (and important) material?
It grows back, sequesters CO2 and can be produced locally.
5. What do you find particularly exciting about RoofUz, or what do you expect us to accomplish?
You'll make the government's annual housing construction goals possible.
6. If you had one wish for your profession... what would you change?
I would improve the standard software used in the industry.
We say: Thank you for your time, Henk!