Enwendo energy consulting 

The Enwendo mission: The energy revolution for your home

Thermal insulation - new windows - heating replacement

Germany must become climate-neutral by 2050 - and it won't be possible without the building sector. Over the next few decades, millions of houses in Germany will have to be modernised, and that can only be done with competent advice.

Energy consulting rethought

Something has to change in the German real estate stock. Millions of houses are heated with oil and gas, are not insulated or do not have energy independence through a solar system. Enwendo wants to change that, because German homes must be renovated by 2050. The most important prerequisite for this? Competent advice. After all, few homeowners know exactly which measures in their own home are really the right ones - and above all whether they are also economically worthwhile.

To drive the home energy transition, Enwendo is embarking on a mission to provide advice to over 1 million homeowners by 2030, kick-starting the renovation process.

Enwendo is a certified energy consultant and assists in the selection of the appropriate subsidy programs.



Fischbach Group


Vestaxx The window heater